Limited Edition

Saturday 28 August


Become a ZJFT friend

Are you a fan of the SummerJazzCycleTour? Do you hope to enjoy it for many years to come? As a friend of the ZomerJazzFietsTour, you support the festival, so that an exciting program can be put together in the coming years. In addition to a beautiful festival, we are happy to give you something extra in return.

From € 60 you are a Friend of the ZJFT

As a friend you will be kept informed of the latest developments, news and firsts. We also report on the results we achieve, both substantively and financially. We do this by publishing a regularly published newsletter.

From € 100 you are a Golden Friend

In addition to receiving the newsletters as a Golden Friend, you are also our guest at the festival on the last Saturday of August. You will be placed on the guest list.

ANBI – periodic donation fully deductible

The Friends of SummerJazzCycleTour foundation has been designated by the tax authorities as a Public Benefit Institution, also known as an ANBI. The foundation is even a cultural ANBI institution. This means that a gift to ZJFT is under certain conditions 125% deductible for income or corporation tax. Will you donate a fixed amount to the friends of the ZJFT for five years? In that case, the donation is fully deductible for 125%, regardless of the amount. We call this a periodic gift (for more information see www.anbi.nl)

Would you also like to become friends with our festival?

Send an email with your personal details and the amount with which you want to support us to info@zjft.nl. Or become a friend quickly and easily via the button below


Become a Friend

-ZJFT 2021-